The Presidency
The presidents are a big deal in any country or state. To lead a group of people require skills - leadership skills and influence. When leading one can not afford to be timid, shy, or weak or else they will be taken advantage of. What I've come to realize is that one does not need to be a true educator or world affairs, what does running a country entails, etc.... The president is responsible for making decisions on his own, he is, therefore, examined on a whole on what he does, says, does not do and do not say. In this game its all about who you can influence best.
What I know is that a leader is not selfish, but unselfish and a socialist. He is one who loves PEOPLE, not bias when it boils down to race, gender and economic status. One president who is loved by all is former President Obama. Though according to the article he was more influential to the population than getting Congress to act, in my opinion, he was loved by so many, hence, he served 2 terms. His influences were more on the people, yet he was able to influence legislation concerning passing laws: some of which benefitted a whole nation namely Immigrants and the elderly.
He helps many undocumented immigrants come out of hiding and life without fear of going back to a place and they themselves don't even know. There is the Obama care act. This helped many to gain access to health care benefits - many are able to go to the doctor without worrying about a big bill over their heads. While these laws do not benefit the upper class, those who are in the middle and lower class do benefit a great deal.
While I read you blog as well as our course reading I was not shocked to see that our current president although a very influential man in certain circles does not have the support of many Americans as in many cases he has been seen as biased or maybe even racist. If a president can not influence the House and the Senate as well as get the support of the people the odds of him being very successful are slim. I also agree with you that former president Obama was loved by many as well as very influential. He was able to push through policies that many thought would never get enough support.