When looking at rights, one must look keenly at 3 areas - political, social and civil. There is one area that many do not talk about and that is the idea of citizens - meaning then that a citizen is entitles to things that non citizens aren't. Yet when we look back on the age of slavery both citizens and noncitizens especially blacks are placed in the same category. There was the ban on voting, education, lack of freedom to participate at certain restaurant or even use public bathroom. 

The freedom to civil rights states that individuals are not under certain governmental bias or stipulations, therefore, deeming them free from such. The civil rights movement came about due to the right for polical participation (vote or hold office) and social protection. It was the intent that blacks would receive some kind of freedom from this movement yet dangers came from the civil rights. 

When political rights were given, there became a need for social rights, which "imply an absolute right to a certain standard of civilization which is conditional only on the discharge of the general duties of citizenship." - in all of this blacks were dinied civil, political and social rights. - the truth is, blacks should be entitled to things necessary for healthy and productive life,health care, education.

The government were way too involved in the lives of blacks. They controlled everything that blacks were involved in. this was form of mond control, yet it didn't matter to them. It was due to this governmental involvement that caused Dr King to join in on a movement in Memphis on January 21st, 1968. It was then that he was assissinated. The government told blacks where they could eat, work, go to school, hangout and much more. 

In today's society, blacks have a lot more freedom - we are free to travel, vote, go to mixed cultured schools, eat wherever we want and even educate ourselves at any schools that we want. Though we aren't segreagated, there are others who hates the fact that blacked aren't controlled by the government or even individuals in and out of society. There is still a need for more freedom but we are more free today than we are hundred of years ago. 


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