The Constitution and the Federation 

"The impeachment process is explained in Article II as it is in Article I. A president can be impeached or removed from office but it has to follow a precise procedure. The House must formally lay charges against the president, the Senate then becomes like a court where the president is tried. The House brings the charges and acts as prosecutor, but the Senate votes on it and acts as jury."

This talk about impeachment is something that is prevalent especially here in America with out current president. I've heard many talks from news media, radio station, social media and in person about possibly impeaching our President. While I will not share my views on this matter, I do have to say that I had no knowledge the procedures that proper parties must follow inorder for this to come into fuition. 

So far I can see that the House must formally lay charges against the president and I'm guessting these charges must be valid, of substance and backed with evidence. Then the Senate will become like the court where the president is tried. Not only that but the house then brings the charges and acts as prosecutor, but the Senate votes on it and acts as jury. They can vote against impeachment or in favor on impeachment. 

The Senate plays more than one role in this process. This therefore mean that the Senate is require to not only be unbias and knowledgeable as well. 

There is said to be 2 impeachments in this history of U.S and that is of Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, yet the Senate voted against impeachment and they remained in office. My question today is: Will there be another impeachment in is 21st century? 


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