Civil disobedience

While civil disobedience concerns itself with going against the law in a none violent way, if one should take a microscope and carefully examine the law, they will see that it clearly transgresses against its citizens in one way or another.

Looking back at our forefathers, we can clearly see how they faced persecutions for most of the time no particular reason. If we should for a second be realistic and true, we in no way shape nor form responsible for how we were created yet for centuries we are put down, persecuted, beaten, killed and even put in prison for this same reason.

Black men and women have been enslaved because of their economic status. There was a time in history when black women weren't allowed to vote. It was to the point when they were thrown in prison when they tried to. Susan Anthony for one was arrested in 1872 for attempting to vote in New York.

What grabs my attention is when she made this claim: The 14th amendment to the Constitution explicitly states that all people born or naturalized within the United States are citizens of the United States and are entitled to all the protections of the law and all the rights and privileges that come with citizenship. Anthony argues quite clearly that her arrest and trial clearly contradict her rights as defined by this amendment in the Constitution. 

This statement supports my sentiments: it man-made law violates human rights. If all citizens have rights then to vote, why then is that only certain citizens are afforded the right to vote?n


  1. I agree with "man-made" law violate the human rights of the citizens within the United States. As I was reading another article I came across a quote from affirming that it is essential that we do have the right to vote and that we should always voice so that we are in fact heard. W.E.B. Du Bois, he states, “no class of men can, without insulting their own nature, be content with any deprivation of their rights. We want it again, as a means for educating our race”. It is that lack of this “education” that drives members of urban communities and non-voters to throw away their vote by doing nothing during election time. I would not say that the lack of education is “academic” but rather the lack of knowledge on how politics work and can actually be of great value for the people within all communities.


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