
Showing posts from January, 2019
INTEREST GROUPS AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS  Interest groups are formed to make policy related appeals to government. It is these groups that form to provide information, shape policies by mobilizing voters, put direct pressure on elected officials, especially when they are not doing what they campaigned about. They help Congress write bills to become laws and they almost always have a membership. Sure anyone can great groups, but an interest group works with the government to get a job done. One must not get an interest group confused with being a pollical party because they are deeply rooted in government, they just assist with providing information and deals with some monetary aspects of a job. This course provides a lot of information that will last a good while. I can now ask questions and even watch the news with some kind of understanding. Thank you again for lending addendum to politics, even though this is just the gist of it.
The Judiciary It appears to be that the judicial branch plays an important role in the government and in the court. In 1803 There was the case with Marbury and Madison, which helped bring about giving power to the court. This means that the before the court lacked the power to cancel out laws passed by Congress or even deeming certain actions unconstitutional and thus invalidating them.  The supreme court is made up of 9 justices of the court including the Chief Justice and Associate Justices who are nominated by the President, approved by the Senate and serve all their lives. Though the court is mostly concern with business matters, it also closely relates itself with that of minority and how they are treated by the government.  One important information that grabs my attention is how the court can not contradict itself. This means that if the court is dealing with a case that was already dealt with in the past, the first ruling in most cases cannot be overturned. Each ca
The Presidency The presidents are a big deal in any country or state. To lead a group of people require skills - leadership skills and influence. When leading one can not afford to be timid, shy, or weak or else they will be taken advantage of. What I've come to realize is that one does not need to be a true educator or world affairs, what does running a country entails, etc.... The president is responsible for making decisions on his own, he is, therefore, examined on a whole on what he does, says, does not do and do not say. In this game its all about who you can influence best. What I know is that a leader is not selfish, but unselfish and a socialist. He is one who loves PEOPLE, not bias when it boils down to race, gender and economic status. One president who is loved by all is former President Obama. Though according to the article he was more influential to the population than getting Congress to act, in my opinion, he was loved by so many, hence, he served 2 terms.
EGUAL RIGHTS  When looking at rights, one must look keenly at 3 areas - political, social and civil. There is one area that many do not talk about and that is the idea of citizens - meaning then that a citizen is entitles to things that non citizens aren't. Yet when we look back on the age of slavery both citizens and noncitizens especially blacks are placed in the same category. There was the ban on voting, education, lack of freedom to participate at certain restaurant or even use public bathroom.  The freedom to civil rights states that individuals are not under certain governmental bias or stipulations, therefore, deeming them free from such. The civil rights movement came about due to the right for polical participation (vote or hold office) and social protection. It was the intent that blacks would receive some kind of freedom from this movement yet dangers came from the civil rights.  When political rights were given, there became a need for social rights, which
Congress In congress there are 2 divisions - The House of Representative and Senates. Of the 2, the Senates serve the longest in office - a total of 6 years with no term limits. This is also the case with the House of Representative - they have no term limit, but they serve a total of 2 years. There are a total of 100 Senates - 2 from each state, while there are 435 members in the House of Representative. Whenever there is a change in population there is also a change in the numbers in the house.  According to the article in class, concerning the Senate, there is a majority and minority leader and whip. The leaders oversees the direction of each party in the house and coordinate the agenda that each party is trying to put forward. The article also states that the majority and minority whip is responsible for making sure party members vote the right way and enforce party discipline.  While I am not a political person, but these facts are so vital especially in this society/
Civil disobedience While civil disobedience concerns itself with going against the law in a none violent way, if one should take a microscope and carefully examine the law, they will see that it clearly transgresses against its citizens in one way or another. Looking back at our forefathers, we can clearly see how they faced persecutions for most of the time no particular reason. If we should for a second be realistic and true, we in no way shape nor form responsible for how we were created yet for centuries we are put down, persecuted, beaten, killed and even put in prison for this same reason. Black men and women have been enslaved because of their economic status. There was a time in history when black women weren't allowed to vote. It was to the point when they were thrown in prison when they tried to. Susan Anthony for one was arrested in 1872 for attempting to vote in New York. What grabs my attention is when she made this claim:  The 14th amendment to the Constitutio
Political Identity and Political Culture There is the talk about the "Melting Pot", which is the infusion of cultural in a specific culture. The United States of America has adopted the concept of the melting pot since about the 17th century when the British first came to settle. This concept was adopted because there is this thing called inclusion and maybe the thought to strengthen loyalty.  Bourne argued against the melting pot because now there was separation and subcultures within America. Since America is the place of possibilities and dreams coming true, it is, therefore, the perfect place to make a living, a better living at that. There are some who take advantage of being in a place that allows them to make a living and even send money home to families who are in need. Majority of my family is not in the U.S, so those who are here work and send to families back home so that they too can have something on their tables to eat.  The melting pot is good
Another Stab at the Constitution The constitution should really be revisited in the sense that it should suit the era and the current generation. There are a few that I would personally revisit, such as The right to bear arm. There should be some kind of stipulation to this. Not everyone should be able to legally or illegally possess a firearm. Reason being is that not everyone is responsible with such. Life is precious and I get it, we need to protect ourselves at some point or another. But there is a real problem when someone can just get up and take away another person's life for no particular reason. This really needs to be revisited. Another area that needs to be revisited is bringing back prayer in our schools. School is a safe haven for many youngers. Growing up, we did devotion as an entire school each and every morning and that set the pace for the day. We looked forward to that each day. Yes this generation is different and they do not want to hear about God or any
The Constitution and the Federation  "The impeachment process is explained in Article II as it is in Article I. A president can be impeached or removed from office but it has to follow a precise procedure. The House must formally lay charges against the president, the Senate then becomes like a court where the president is tried. The House brings the charges and acts as prosecutor, but the Senate votes on it and acts as jury." This talk about impeachment is something that is prevalent especially here in America with out current president. I've heard many talks from news media, radio station, social media and in person about possibly impeaching our President. While I will not share my views on this matter, I do have to say that I had no knowledge the procedures that proper parties must follow inorder for this to come into fuition.  So far I can see that the House must formally lay charges against the president and I'm guessting these charges must be valid,
" People also respond negatively to the word "welfare" but show much more support when the term is re-phrased as "support for the poor," or something similar like that." Denial of being a part of the welfare system and undercover acceptance almost always accompany the word "welfare". Growing up, I would always hear adults from my culture say how they would never go on welfare due to the view of others: no life and being broke or poor. What I've learned from conversations is that the same people who talk negatively or show no support on the program are the very same people on welfare and truth be told they would rather be on the program for as long as possible because it's a support system. It helps them be the help meet needed for the family.  I grew up with this same mentality until I hit rock bottom and had to resort to requesting help from the system. Even then, it took everything out of me to find myself at an office that offers h